Since talking didn’t work, Ronda & Nia will try wrestling on this week’s Raw

Their promo segment last Monday (Nov. 26) was a major trainwreck that stood out as bad even on an epically bad show. It contained way too much smiling from Nia Jax, Ronda Rousey seeming to forget a line before inadvertantly admitting Becky Lynch has changed the history of the world and everyone said “hashtag Facebreaker” too much.

To avoid a repeat of that scene while still building toward their Women’s title fight at TLC on Dec. 16 in San Jose, WWE is going to that old stand-by the tag team match for this upcoming Raw. The company has announced that in Houston on Dec. 3, Rousey will team with Natalya to face Jax and her tag partner, Tamina.

Seeing as last week’s segment ended with The Riott Squad jumping Natty on behalf of Nia, and Raw multi-woman matches don’t really end with clean finishes that often these days, I wouldn’t count on getting a clear winner here.

But, hey. At least they won’t be cutting promos.

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