Kenny Omega Comments on Allowing Sex Offender to Wrestle at CEOxNJPW Event

Chasyn Rance — a convicted sex offender — wrestled in the opening match of NJPW‘s event at a popular gaming convention on Friday night and Kenny Omega has now commented on the matter.

The NJPW event in Florida took place at the CEO ’18 Fighting Game Championships and Omega was in charge of the actual wrestling show, which kicked off with a match between Rance and Aaron Epic.

For those unfamiliar, Rance was convicted of lewd and lascivious sex with a minor in 2011. A simple Google search shows the indie wrestler can be found on sex offender registries.

Kenny responded to the negative reaction on Twitter this morning saying:

“Here it is: I produced all matches from dark match #2 on. I gave the ring crew (also a wrestling school) carte Blanche to have our first dark. No entrances,no name graphics. And thus they had a match. I met Chasyn once in 2004 so his name was familiar. The other guy I’d never met. Regardless of their history or whatever, this crew of people were all very helpful in set up, tear down, and various odd jobs around the arena. I’d felt giving them the opportunity to have a dark match was the least I could do as a way to show appreciation. I’m gutted that people feel betrayed by their involvement, but at no point did I feel I was working with criminals or anything of the sort. As I’d said earlier, they were nothing but polite and helpful throughout the entire experience. I’ll know better for next time to only use those I’m absolutely familiar/comfortable with.”

It’s unclear who first contacted the school run by Rance to be involved, Omega or a CEO official. 

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